Friday, February 29, 2008

Hey bloggers,

have you ever been

in a fight or almost

in one? Well if you are

and someone say's they're

going to punch you. Don't

be afraid because you have

something they don't, brains!

So just say what ever and if they're

smart they'll back off but if they don't,

tell a teacher! They can always fix it.



Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hey bloggers,
ever heard of Vera Bradley?
She's has great stuff. This tote is perfect for the beach or a quick overnight. Awesome!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Hey bloggers,
my sister
had an awesome
idea of chocolate spaghetti ! I know it sounds
weird but what do you think? Leave your comment to
tell us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you ever heard the expression "there's a silver lining to every gray cloud" or something like that. Well now I finally understand the saying, a month ago my BFF and I had a fight. We worked it out and now we're closer than ever. BBFAE!
That's the silver lining to my gray cloud!!

Hello bloggers,
Is there a new
girl in your class
or someone you
never met and
you want to be
friends with
her or him but
you just don't
know the right
way to talk to them? Ask
that person to sit next to
you at lunch or hang out at
recess. Be yourself. They'll
like that and talk about
stuff you like maybe they
like that stuff too. You never know!

Hey bloggers,
I have a poll for you..
Do you think skinny jeans
are in or out ?????????
Leave your comment
and tell me !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey bloggers,
Is your friend acting weird. Well
there may be a problem in his or her
life.Maybe someone or something died.
If it's really bugging you talk to her about
it. Talking always makes it better ...........

Hey bloggers,
Is there a guy you like but he doesn't know who you are?
Well here's some tip's to make him notice you:
1. Be yourself and talk to him, guy's like that .
2. Find out what he like's and when he talk's to
you, well you talk to him about what he like's.
